Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bumble - Ex Hoe

You know how sometimes you actually manage to match with someone on a dating app and then have a conversation? I know, it is very rare like a unicorn, but sometimes the conversation just takes a weird turn. Like one minute you're talking about video games and then they throw a curveball about their ex. You know, the usual weirdness because some people just don't have a clue. That's what we have today thanks to BriAnne.

Literally one minute its discussion about video games and then the guy just mentions that his ex is a hoe. What possessed this manchild to want to mention that his ex is a hoe a bunch of times? What is the point of that? Is he gaining something? Like yelling it out into the void of the internet isn't good enough? He has to send it to a strange who he potentially wants to date? Like that does a lot of good. Maybe manchild is looking for someone to be a soundboard and immediately agree with him that his ex is a hoe...

If using weed and getting off work makes this manchild start talking about his ex that isn't a good sign. Clearly there's something else going on with him and his feelings. I have never seen the word hoe used so many times in such a short amount of time. I honestly have a hard time even processing it. The "hoeyest" made me laugh hard because he honestly can't even come up with a new word to describe how he feels. Then again manchild can't even say what she did to actually be such a hoe to deserve the title he's given her.

BriAnne even tried to ask why he thought that but he couldn't say. So maybe he just calls all of his exes a hoe because then it's just easier. He never has to differentiate between them. Then again there can't be more than a handful if he honestly has this conversation on a dating app after matching with someone. I don't know about you but this doesn't make me want to meet up with him to go on a date!

What do you all think? Is this a turn on to have someone talk about an ex after barely matching with them? Or even meeting them in person? I know that was a turn off for me with RudeDude started talking about his ex on our third date. Like it's one thing to mention an ex and it's another thing to solely focus on them and make them a big part of the conversation. Either way let me know in the comments down below. (:

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