Saturday, December 23, 2017

OkCupid - Snap Code

I am sure we have all experienced strangers giving out their Instagram handle on a dating app because they think it will be cool to have you follow them on there. I get that some people think it is a great way to learn about someone because they get to see more snapshots of their life. Trust me, I've checked out some of the Instagram accounts connected to dating profiles out of curiosity and learned enough to immediately swipe left. Some people really do know how to show off the worst things about them. It has been a true life saver though so I can't really complain. Now we're entering the age of Snapchat and that just becomes even more questionable. Especially when someone uses their snap code as their profile picture.

As I said before I understand how sharing your social media may seem like a good idea. Someone can get a better idea about who you are and what you enjoy doing. However, in my opinion I see that as sharing a bit too much. I don't know about any of you but I don't go around telling people to find me on Snapchat or Instagram because the only way you really find me is if I find you. Now I realize that sounds terrible but I mean in the sense that I'm all ready friends with you so I've found your accounts to follow just to keep up to date. You know, the same reason you go on Facebook just to check and see what people are up with their lives.

Instagram isn't exactly a great source of material to work with considering people mostly share their super perfect and well chosen pictures to share about their lives. Don't get me wrong, not everyone does that but I know plenty of people do. It's just like having nice little snapshots of what you're doing that make you look really cool. If you don't do that on Instagram and you just post a bunch of random pictures you like then kudos. I applaud you. You are either super brave or you are a spammer but hey, some people like that.

Now when it comes to Snapchat I think that is a little too much. I check and keep track of who is following me on Snapchat so I know who has access to the photos and videos that I'm sharing. I don't let just any random person add me. I'm posting things that give away where I am and where I go. I don't need that falling into the wrong hands. You might think I'm being a little paranoid but with the way the world is I don't doubt that some strange guy could try and stalk me via Snapchat. The last thing I want to have happen is me becoming a headline in the news with a tragic story.

I came across a profile that had the Snap code as the first image which made me wonder if the guy knew that I wouldn't be able to take a picture of his code considering I am on my phone. Does he expect me to have two phones in order to see his profile on one and then take a picture of the code on another? I just don't know honestly. He should have just typed out his username if he was so desperate to be added by a potential date. It's not as if taking a screen shot can be uploaded on Snapchat when it comes to the friend finder. 

For some reason I find it a turn off when a potential date shares their Snapchat code with me and everyone else by displaying it on their profile. I understand if they messaged me and we had been talking about something to which they wanted to share a picture of. That is fine. But it seems just as bad as the first message saying, "Hey! Follow me on here to see more!" It seems more like a bot than anything else. I think a bot would have a better chance at finding someone though because they'd know better than to do that.

Do you think sharing your Snapchat with a stranger is all right? Are people constantly updating their stories if they do let strangers add them so they can constantly seem like they are doing something? I mean, I can only imagine adding someone to try and find out more about them only to discover that there is nothing on their story so I've pretty much wasted my time. Having an actual conversation would accomplish more in my opinion. Plus it just seems like too much effort. I barely snap when I'm doing my usual work activity and going about my day to day life. It only becomes exciting when I'm on vacation or something like that.

I'm curious what you all think about sharing Instagram and Snapchat handles on dating apps. Are you ok with it or are you as against it as I am? Do you think it really helps people get to know you better or is it just another invasion of privacy that you allow? Let me know what you think in the comments below. (:

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