Dustin has a big truck, which I can appreciate because clearly he's doing some off roading and hauling trailers full of lots of toys. By toys I'm talking about four wheelers or something along those lines for the outdoors, don't misquote me here. He's actually pretty tall next to his truck, which is slightly surprising. Usually I see a lot of shorter guys standing next to a lifted truck and it just looks sad because they have the little side step to help them get up and inside. The fact that Dustin calls himself out for having no social life like a 40 year just makes me laugh. I feel like that's someone who is quite honest with both themself and others. That's a rare trait. Then again I feel bad thinking that there are plenty of people who are older than myself who have way more of a social life.
I love that he finds his truck to be the only impressive thing about himself. Apparently he feels there is nothing more to share besides that. I can't exactly base a lot of a guy's personality off of their truck though. From what I've experienced guys with a big truck are either compensating for their lack of height or they are actually tall and make use of their truck to do a ton of outdoorsy things. I'd like to imagine that Dustin does a lot of fun outdoor activities so that's why he imagines that's what will be impressive. There are plenty of girls who aren't exactly interested in doing things outdoors and some who are, so maybe Dustin is just hoping the right ones will swipe right on him.
What do you all think of Dustin? Is he really running a shit show or does it seem to be just right? Let me know what you think in the comments down below. (:
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