For those of you who may not remember, The League has a feature called League Live. What is it exactly? Well you sign up to save your spot and if you're a paying user then you are automatically in. Every Sunday and Wednesday night you have to open the app at 9:00pm for the chance to talk to someone else over a video call, much like FaceTime. You only have a few minutes and get matched with three different people. You can then go on from there to match and chat with them more or swipe left and say you aren't interested. I did this long ago back in February and wrote about it here, which seems fake but time isn't real during Covid honestly. Today's post is all about one of the guys I ended up chatting with!

It's very weird to be writing this five months later so bear with me as I try and piece it all together in a story that will make some sense. After that first League Live I somehow managed to get in on another one but didn't blog about it because I didn't think any of the guys would go anywhere if I am being honest. Well, one of the guys who I spoke with, who we'll call Taylor for the sake of this post, actually matched with me even after our very short conversation! Taylor is actually based here in Vegas, which is surprising because like I said before so many of the guys who I get as potential matches are in California.

Taylor works with airplanes and came out to Vegas from back east, because it was easier to find work and move up in the ranks according to him. He works the night shift, which is fine because you do what you have to do to make money and have a job, especially during a pandemic. I mean, I was surprised he was even here considering airlines haven't been flying as much but hey, working the night shift was probably part of the sacrifice to keep a job.
With our work schedules being complete opposites our messaging was a bit weird or rather off I should say. I would message him during the day and he would message me in the middle of the night. Granted, I wasn't awake to reply to his messages and vice versa because we both need our sleep for work! After chatting for a bit on the app he asked for my phone number.
I gave him my phone number, not thinking much of it because even though we had been talking for a while it was so sporadic I wasn't sure if anything would come from it. I mean, something must be too good to be true right? If I'm being honest I figured that he would lose interest because of how hard it was for us to be able to even have a conversation in real time, which does make a world of difference. I know I'm guilty of overthinking how long it takes someone to text back.
One night Taylor texted me asking if he could call me. I was a both confused and surprised but said yes. He ended up Facetiming me for about an hour while he was at work. I could hear his coworker at times asking different questions but Taylor had his headphones in so his coworker had no clue he was on the phone apparently. I didn't mind as there were only a few interruptions and Taylor was was easily keeping the conversation going. I mean, he was asking questions and answering mine and he was making me laugh!

It was after this that he started calling me at night, while he was at work and I was sort of getting ready for bed. Sometimes it was just a regular phone call and other times it was a video call. I thought I was being nice by warning him that I was getting ready for bed so I didn't look cute and yet every time he was just like "You're such a liar you're beautiful." and if I'm being honest that was very nice to hear. I mean, it's been how long since I've actually managed to have a guy on a dating app be interesting and nice?
Either way we finally scheduled a day and time to go out on a date! He ended up having to cancel it the day before because of a work thing. I wasn't too upset because I get it, things happen. When we planned another date I had a family emergency. I sort of figured he'd be too annoyed to try and reschedule yet again, but surprisingly he didn't give up! We finally got our schedules together, nothing came up, and we managed to plan a sushi date!
Taylor called me the night before our date just to talk. I can't even tell you what all we have talked about because it was just talking about work, things going on in our lives, and just general things like that. I mean, if I need to take detailed notes next time I'll find a way but I didn't think to give you all a transcript of it.
Taylor lives out in Henderson. That's another city technically but honestly in Vegas when you drive no matter where you go it takes about 30 minutes. That's just how it is. Taylor said he knew a sushi place that was about in the middle between the two of us so I said that would be fine. We had our time and were good to go. For those of you who follow me on Twitter you know I was having some second thoughts about meeting up because I honestly didn't know what to wear since my last date was a hiking date and I haven't sat down for a meal with anyone in quite a while outside of my own family.
I ended up finding something cute to wear, jeans and a nice dress shirt, and drove to the sushi place. I looked it up and the reviews were pretty mixed but I figured if it was his favorite place to go that would be fine. I could give it a chance. I ended up getting there before him and texted him once I parked. He replied that he was a few minutes away. Taylor ended up parking right across from me so when he called saying he had arrived I told him that I could see him. I got out of my car and greeted him with a hug.
I'm sure we are all well aware of how important height is to me and he was actually tall! Over 6 feet so I was pleasantly surprised since he had asked what I would do if he was shorter than me and I said that I would not be interested. He claimed that would be cold but I don't care because I'm just being honest. I'd rather not waste my time along with someone else's.
We went into the sushi place and were seated immediately. The menu was online of course because most places aren't doing paper menus with Covid. I was surprised to see that it wasn't all you could eat sushi, since that is honestly the best sushi experience let's be real. It was a bit strange as we conversed and he told me that he likes sushi but it never filled him up. I then learned that was likely because he only orders one roll and calls it good. And on top of that he has things excluded from his one sushi roll that he orders.

I'm not going to tell you exactly what he didn't have on his sushi roll, but they were important to make it taste good so I just didn't understand. Also with each of the rolls costing $15+ it made sense why he only ordered one roll. It adds up! That's why all you can eat is perfect because you can stuff yourself silly with all the delicious rolls. Needless to say, Taylor was quite a picky eater. I finished my one roll and he suggested I get another one if I wanted, because he was fine with just one. I told him I was fine, because I didn't want to order more because I didn't think that was fair.
Taylor ended up paying for the entire meal, which was nice, and we sat there chatting for over an hour. The hour literally flew by quickly. It was funny because at one point he asked if he was different from his pictures and I told him no, he wasn't a catfish. I asked him the same thing and he said I looked exactly like my pictures, so that was nice to hear. Taylor pointed out that I had seemed nervous at first. I admitted that it had been a while since I'd gone on a date and I also blamed Covid for that. Then he asked if he was the same in person as he was in our phone conversations and I said yes. Taylor said the same for me so I am happy to share neither of us are a catfish, nor are we fake! We talked about various other things before leaving the sushi place, since it was obvious that Taylor was tired, nearly nodding off due to his fun night shift schedule. I gave Taylor a hug goodbye before sending him on his way.
At this point I'm honestly not sure what to make of Taylor, considering it was easy to converse with him but I'm not sure we have a ton in common. There were a lot of things that we were sort of total opposites about? Nothing big or major, just interest and hobby wise. If he asked me out on another date I would probably say yes, because he was certainly tired so maybe he was just a bit too out of it for our date? Not that he was sleepy the entire time but when his exhaustion hit him it was like a ton of bricks. I'll be sure to keep you all posted in regards to if he messages me or calls again to ask me on another date. What do you all think of Taylor? Let me know in the comments down below.
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