Sunday, January 23, 2022

Argentine Loverboy Part 2

Did you think we were done with my loverboy? I mean, I know I did. I haven't seen the guy in person for 3 years now? Or is it more than that? Sorry everyone, but time isn't real during COVID. If you forgot about the Argentina Hunger Games you can play catch up by reading about it here or if you just want the recap for the last messages from George in 2020 you can read them here. Anyway, this saga continues because of George and his persistence. I just can't win with him, you know? Let's get to it.

George has continually sent me messages but I usually ignore him. I mean, one should take a hint after this long, right? But not George. He's just so in love with me. Besides, we can't truly have a conversation because he knows very little English and even though I'm working on Spanish in Duolingo that doesn't mean I want to talk to him. How many times do I have to tell him that I'm not interested before he takes a hint?

For a bit of context, George is religious. He is Mormon, so I would consider that super religious. I used to consider myself Christian so I think he had hope that he could convert me to Mormonism, even though we don't really even speak the same language. I assumed that by saying I was no longer religious or that I didn't believe in the church that was brazen and simple enough for him to understand even with a translator. Apparently not though. 

In Mormonism it's all about having that temple wedding because that means the marriage lasts forever, even after death. So saying I didn't want that should have been yet another hint that we weren't meant to be but it didn't teach him apparently. Then he says that this isn't the time to ask for marriage, but he would like to? Why? I just don't get it. We don't even talk to each other or see each other. He's thousands of miles away. What does this guy think is going to happen? That I'll quit my job and move down to Buenos Aires to live with him?

You may say savage, but I did what I had to do. The fact that he still said that he loved me even though I said I didn't love him means he just doesn't care what I have to say. No matter how it is translated it is all the same. I said no. I don't love him. Even as he admits that it's hard to communicate because of the language barrier he thinks I'm sweet and he dreams of being able to see me and kiss me. 

Honestly George, I would rather never see you again. I don't plan to see you and even if I did I certainly wouldn't kiss you. I think at this point I'm just going to stop responding. He can send messages all he wants, but I'm not answering. He'll just have to talk to himself and practice his English I suppose. 

What do you all think of this nonsense? How would you respond to someone constantly messaging you, even after you've blocked them, and they don't take a hint? Is there a better way to go about things or is being this delusional the answer? Let me know what you think in the comments below. (:

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