Friday, May 29, 2020

Bumble - PB Fight

Now today's profile is more just a funny one for the bio, or at least it is to me. Usually you use your bio to share things about yourself and you try to be a little more specific in order to be different from all the other profiles people swipe on. Instead this profile caught my attention because of the reason David wants to fight. I mean, it definitely caught my attention.

David, what things will be obvious? What things will surprise me? You're leaving this up to my imagination and we all know I could make up some random things. I could say it is obvious to me that you secretly kidnap people's dogs in the middle of the night. I could say that it surprises me that you cry yourself to sleep every night thinking about all the cats you want to kidnap in the middle of the night. Seriously people, don't be like David and leave your bio this vague. I can make up so many more worse scenarios but I'm being nice today.

Now, why doesn't David like peanut butter? I mean, it is one thing to say that you are allergic to peanuts which would then make sense for why you don't like peanut butter. If that was the case though do you think David would know what peanut butter tastes like though? I think not. So why the hatred for peanut butter? What caused this? Has peanut butter wronged you in some way David? Or are you the opposite of a dog because we know all dogs love peanut butter...

As to why David wants to fight over his hatred of peanut butter, that is beyond me. I am tempted to match with him just to start a fight and see what his fighting points are about peanut butter. Surely if he was allergic he wouldn't know how it tastes unless maybe he just hates it because it could have killed him at one point. Stay tuned for if I can get an answer out of David. Until then, let's make up some more obvious or surprising things about David.

What do you think of David? Is this bio even worth the time to read or are you as bored as I am? Let me know in the comments down below. (:

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