Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tinder - Black Cock?

This is a post I had in my drafts for ages so I wanted to preface this by saying sorry I haven't been online much. For those of you who follow me on Twitter you know my step-mom passed away suddenly so I've been busy dealing with that. This is a short blog post and hopefully I can get back to "normal" blogging in a bit.

Daniel, what does this mean? What are you trying to convey with this photo? All I can think of is that Vine where the guy is in a bathroom stall and he asks the dude next to him if he wants to see a picture of his cock. Then he slides over a photo and the stranger replies, "That's a chicken." So in short this tells me that Daniel is not that great at posting photos of himself because he could have made a funny profile if he was acting like he was an actual animal. Alas we all know that he's not and why would anyone even swipe right on him?

At least if you're going to post a photo that doesn't have you in it make sure it's funny or for an actual reason. List that reason in your bio. It's really not that hard, at least in my opinion. I feel like this is worse than having a group photo really because at least from a group photo I can figure out if you're friends are kind of ok or more douchey.

What do you all think of Daniel? Is his not so subtle attempt of saying he is or has a black cock actually getting your attention? Let me know in the comments down below. 

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