Monday, October 24, 2022

Tinder - Red Flag Beard

I think I've been talking about red flags a lot on Twitter thanks to 90 Day Fiancé and now the new season of Love is Blind. I mean, some people just have so many that I can't even imagine why someone would agree to even meet them, let alone date them. It's just too much for me. I know how to run when I see a red flag. There's no fixing it. Today we have a profile where Alex tells us all about his own red flags.

Alex straight up tells up that he is a walking red flag. Does this suddenly make anyone attracted to Alex? Does this profile actually work for Alex and get him matches? The fact that he says he is a walking red flag makes me uninterested immediately.

In Vegas I swear every guy says he's a night club promoter. Half the time they usually aren't or they're just trying scam tourists into paying them when they could get into a club for free. I highly doubt he's actually a doorman at a strip club but I'm sure he likes to say that so then he appears to be confident around any woman because he works at a strip club. Alex clearly won't care what you do for a living because of his own job. At least that's the way I'm reading it but even if I'm wrong he doesn't seem to have an actual career going.

I don't think Alex expressing himself too much is a bad thing. There's so many relationships that have a problem with communication because someone won't express how they feel. Now he can say there might be too little but it feels like he should pick one or the other. I doubt there is no in-between when it comes to expressing himself. He's clearly confident enough and willing to share his red flags so why would he stop expressing himself?

Is a beard a red flag now? I thought most girls were into beards. Now of course there are guys who can't rock a beard but they're easy to skip over. I'm sort of iffy on beards because it depends on the guy. Some guys do some weird designs in their beards or it just makes them look stupid. Sorry not sorry but it is what it is. Also is his beard even long enough to not have a good beard day? If he has bad beard days why does he keep it?

Last but not least Alex shares his TikTok and IG because of course he does. He would love more followers and for people to connect with him. I feel like when guys share their Instagram while having a private profile they're really trying to filter through the girls who possible swipe right on them. What do you all think of Alex? Are all his red flags enough to make you swipe left or are you intrigued and want to get to know more? Let me know in the comments down below. (:

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