Saturday, October 26, 2019

Tinder - Nothing Suspicious

Today I just have another fun conversation to share with you, mostly because my next date story won't be happening until next weekend. Stay tuned for that one! So Tinder once again proves to be quite the interesting space for conversations to happen. This one is definitely not what you would expect though.

Poor Cody doesn't have a clue! Or he really is just that oblivious. I mean, the questions start out easy enough. Sure, the blood type one seems weird but there are people posting their horoscopes and Myers-Briggs Type results as if it is the tell all. Surely there are people who find a blood type to be important to know in case of some strange emergency. The drinking and smoking make sense because those would be important questions to me.

The height is an important one for me since I'm tall, but I know others really don't care about that. Yet another standard question that isn't too out of the ordinary. The blood born diseases and kidney removal though is a bit out of line. Drugs damaging the liver should help be the giveaway for this line of questioning figuring out how much Cody's body would be worth on the black market. 

I mean, kudos for this conversation even happening. I know I definitely got a good laugh and if this script is used with anyone else I would love to know about it. Just because you would hope every guy would have a different response but even then it would be funny to see what was similar and what isn't. Would a guy dare to call out these questions for being so strange? Or just continue to go with it?

Either way let me know what you think in the comments down below. (:

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