We all know that the pictures someone posts on their dating app profile can make or break them considering it is the basis for whether or not someone swipes left or right. Today we have a guy who put up a picture that confuses me just a bit. I mean, it's not a fishing picture, hunting picture, or even a group photo. So I'm not entirely sure what he may be no so secretly trying to tell me. Hopefully the internet can help explain what it means to me.

So I know those cards are playing cards for some sort of game. It's not Pokemon or YuGiOh so I'm assuming it's from Magic the Gathering? Or maybe Im wrong. Honestly I don't know so maybe someone can comment here or tweet me what kind of cards those are! Either way what does it mean? Is he just trying to tell me and everyone else who comes across his profile that he's a bit of a nerd? Or are those cards actually really good and show that he's like, very powerful when playing that game? I just don't know enough. Maybe it is suppose to be some sort of turn on and I've missed the memo. He may be searching for someone who sees those cards and immediately is like, "OMG YES HE IS THE ONE!" and then matches with him. I suppose it is an easy conversation point for the right person.
I find it funny that he says he wants an intelligent, kind, and trusting partner and then immediately talks about road tripping and the dream girl being asleep as he's driving and it is the perfect scene being illuminated by the sunset. Wow bro, how long have you been thinking about this? It honestly makes me think of some romantic movie and that's what the dude uses to describe their perfect date but what do I know? To each their own I suppose.
Hi yes, I have a question about feeling like your stomach is eating your heart. I have never had that feeling before. I suppose maybe that means I've never loved someone enough if that's how much they miss someone. Has anyone else experienced this? I just need to know for my own sake but I don't want to ask him about it.
The rest of his profile is pretty straight forward. He lists things that make sense for a successful relationship. I mean trust is a big thing as is common goals, physical attraction, and compassion. That's pretty easy to say but harder to make happen. Him saying he hopes "the one" exists and if not it's a cruel joke makes me laugh a bit because I think most people like to believe in "the one" because it's been so ingrained through film and media. Honestly at this point I am probably too jaded and don't truly care.
Honestly every date I've been on the guy has offered to pay, never letting me offer to even split the bill. I can't say I mind because I just figure the guy wants to show how interested he is. That or he's just showing he's so cool by paying. Maybe there's another reason and I just don't know it. Either way I can't complain.
I didn't match with this guy, but can anyone tell me what those cards mean? Should I be impressed? Should I have immediately matched with him because of them? What do you all think of this guy? Does his profile strike you as someone that you would want to match with? Let me know what you think in the comments down below. (:
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