Sunday, February 10, 2019

Tinder - Didn't Hear You

Sometimes you get chatting with a guy and you think you're on the same page. I mean in the sense that there is some understanding in what could go down. I feel like some guys really can't pick up on the hints that girls are putting down though. Or just in life in general. They seem to miss a lot, even when you feel like you're being blatantly obvious. Today we have a guy who could't take a hint, so some yelling was involved to try to make things happen.

I feel like it was enough of a giveaway to say that having the guy end up in a onesie was a clear goal if drinks were had together sometime. Am I wrong? Was that too subtle? Were most of you unable to read between the lines? This guy clearly was and just let the conversation die there. So caps lock was used to help make a point. I can't help but laugh over the fact that the guy then apologized for not hearing the first time, because texting isn't something you can hear. I have had a few friends tell me though that when I type in caps they think I am yelling, even though that is rarely the case. I usually use it to make a point. Either way the guy finally took a hint and then suggested it.

Another sad thing about this is that I wonder if the guy would have just let the conversation drop completely, you know? Something along the lines of "oh no, guess the conversation is over" or something like that even though as far as I'm concerned it clearly isn't. I feel like nothing about it was subtle but maybe this guy really just didn't have a clue. He could have been scared off or just over it because it wasn't forward enough? Who even knows. I have noticed that guys on the dating apps sort of expect the girl to do everything and then they just get to show up but I don't think that should be the case. There needs to be some give and take to make things happen cooperatively.

Have any of you had a guy who you matched with just not take a hint? Or just let the ball drop because he had couldn't not figure out what to say in order to meet up or make it happen? Let me know in the comments down below?

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