Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tinder - Bird Water?

Well @TheTinderZone was swiping on Tinder and found this rare gem! I mean, a picture tells a thousand words right? I need to know what your thoughts are as to what the following picture means. Clearly I can't be the only one missing the memo? Can I? Granted, maybe it is one of those viral trends that I somehow missed.

I honestly feel like if someone doesn't have any words on their bio then they don't deserve a swipe right. Why match with them? I mean, they can't even say anything about themselves. If a guy doesn't look like Chris Hemsworth then they need to write something about themselves. This is just my humble opinion of course. This picture does grab your attention though, doesn't it? Not because it is Chris Hemsworth, but definitely something different.

Is this sexual? Does this hold a life lesson? Is it just a thirsty avian? Since it's Tinder I'm going with the first option. But now the question is, how is it sexual? I probably shouldn't ask the question because surely someone will explain it to me eventually but that means someone else gets it! I have been on the dating apps for far too long but even I don't understand this. Do I even want to understand at this point? Is it some sort of strange meme that I missed? I just don't know.

What do you all think of Makile's profile? Does it mean anything to you? Do you understand it? Let me know in the comments down below. (:

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