Saturday, April 25, 2020

Tinder - House Husband

Listen, I am aware that there a manga about a House Husband and the little bits that I've seen from it are hilarious. If you haven't heard of it I'm sure you could find some of the highlights with a quick Google search. However, I did not expect for @TheTinderZone to actually find a profile on Tinder of a guy claiming to be a house husband. I mean, it's not exactly the norm. Or maybe it is now? What do I know?

I mean. Just reading those first few sentences is quite a few punches to the gut isn’t it? I am tired of handsome deadbeats! I am tired of good looking fuck-boys! And guys that are exactly my type but available to everybody! How does this House Husband know? Now, truly I haven’t come across too many guys that are exactly my type so it doesn’t really bother me that they are “available to everybody” but you get the idea. Swiping on the apps is getting quite tiring even during a pandemic.

Either way I’m laughing that he’s claiming he’s feeding, fucking, and financing only me for an entire year. Is it like a weird free trial test period and we have to see what happens? Because surely not everyone he matches with will get the honor or privilege of becoming the chosen ONE for him. Now if I’m at work all day while he’s working out in our home gym so he can keep his “high level of performance in the bedroom” then how is he financing me exactly? Is he being so gracious as to allow me to work instead of staying home with him so I can provide for us both financially? Is his version of feeing me “serving good looks” or something else along those lines? I can not survive without actual food, that much I do know. I mean, he’s only providing a third of what he previously offered so I have some questions.

The fact that he says he’ll ensure I am overwhelmed with love, affection, appreciation, and sexual satisfaction isn’t exactly a selling point for me. Sadly I can not survive on someone’s love for me alone. I mean, I’ve never tried it but I don’t think it would be worth it at this point. Maybe my standards and expectations are just too high because I do want someone who is more like my equal. We both contribute and bring something to the relationship. Am I the one who is abnormal then?

What do you all think of the House Husband? Would his love alone be enough for you to be in a relationship with him or do you need something more? Let me know what you think in the comments down below. (:

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